Friday, November 02, 2007

Progress Report?

Man, I've been procrastinating with my tribute project for my hero Chuck Jones and keeping myself busy (?) in coloring this eventual little germy project! Not that it don't deserve any special attention though, after all, this little illus is still a baby of mine. For now, here's how things are progressing with my coloring of germy :) Please do enjoy!

Monday, October 29, 2007

The little germ that didn't quite make it

Upon returning from sweet, sweet Bicol, my friend commissioned me to create a cute germ for her. I still can't name where this little friend of ours will be used for, but apparently he didn't make the cut! So I think it is quite safe to bask his glory in the net for everyone to see and (hopefully) enjoy!

Look at that guy. So cute and so ugly as hell. Sweet!

Tribute to Chuck Jones' Wiley E. Coyote

Here's a little quick homage to the great Chuck Jones and, I'm giving my self just before the end of this month to refine the art.

Friday, October 26, 2007

BayanTel Monkeys

Fernando Alonso not winning the Formula 1 cup championship, UAAP dreams down the drain, Losing bets, Why - Why's, Issues, and then some more and yes.. More issues. I'm glad after all this minor setbacks, I can still manage to see this hard times as some what colorful. Ach! Will do. Will do.

And every time such issues drain me dead, I try to pull my self up and get busy... or at least try to! Which is why, I do tend to reorganize some of my stuffs and delete some junks. But some junks are just to priceless to be deleted and deserves some special attention too!! Well, not that it's some sort of a priceless art?! Still, I treat all my illustrations as my babies!!!

While deleting my overflowing junk e-mails, I discovered some project Jon and I were busy doing early this year ...Although, we still have no idea if the illustration was used by the company, I decided to play around with the color as it was originally done in good bright colors! and lately I've been trying to copy the, hmm how'd you call it - the nostalgic feel - of Paul Conrad's work.

HAH! Nostalgic!

My deepest apologies if I'm mistaken for any wrong terminologies. Any how, visit
blog site.

P.S. And the nostalgic approach is not all that I'm giving 'tribute' too!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Press Work?

At first, I thought press work was tough.
I thought right. My seniors are just plain crazy to do this with me.

Far Right and the person who owns the twisted smile is my managing editor Geraldine and the one with the twisted mind (how apt) is my art director Pen.

Nang sepiain ang mundo mo

Fortunately for me, both my art directors at The Pillars are game with drama.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Same Paper Different Section

here is an unapproved illustration study for the editorial section of The Pillars.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Post lang ng Post

Here is the illustration i made for the Berebentot section of The Pillars.

For "Artsy Fartsy" purposes, I rendered some color to the illustration to give it a little life, since the original output is in black and white.

...And as for the meaning of 'Berebentot' I'll try to find out next time.

The operational word here is

"I'll try"


Monday, April 09, 2007


almost forgot, thank you johnny and carlo for the sketch pad idea


how do you say this sincerely..
kamusta na?

is it.. uuuy kamusta ka na?
HWOY! musta na?
or tabalits? or.. whaaateever! sigh..

ahhh pshhhh...

but then again, i guess i'm just being too serious about it. eh? right?
in the end, all i really want you to know is that i miss you. terribly!

i'm terrible at this.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Wednesday, February 21, 2007


still familiarizing myself with these art blogging world. in the mean time, allow me to introduce you to Lumaig. one of the heroes who'll be participating in the epic war of kahimanawari. correct me if i'm wrong me fellow artist... we are actually on the fourth book? yes? so for some catch up, i do recommend you visiting the blog daddy of this great epic...

the site of my friend jon zamar. an artist/writer/model and also responsible for letting me in on this great story. yes. it's not a typo! nyahaha...

i hate guys like him!you know the kind who can write and draw at the same time. baaah! hehe! but of course i meant it with lots of love bro! so please check it out! it's a good read!

see yeah all next post! still have a lot of catching up to do. :) by the way, i'm also still familiarizing myself with the blogging toolbars, controls... whatever! i apologize for the messy blog.

be kind people.